Sterling 1958 take your privacy very seriously. We work hard to make sure that we only use your information in the ways that you want us to. This privacy statement explains what information we collect on the website, how and when it is collected, what we use it for now and how we will use it in the future. If you have any questions about the way in which your information is being collected or used which are not answered by this privacy statement please contact us at email@email

As a subscriber, you will receive fashion update newsletters, special offers, sale promotions and VIP shopping event invitations. We will only ever send you marketing messages that we feel would be of interest to you, if you have chosen to register your details with us. If you decide that you no longer want to receive our emails you can unsubscribe at any time by logging into your account, clicking on email preferences, then un-ticking appropriate boxes and clicking on update. We will never sell your details to an unconnected third party for marketing purposes.


In the web world, cookies are tiny text files stored on your computer when you visit certain web pages. We use cookies to keep track of what you have in your basket, and to remember you when you come back to us.
Cookies must be enabled to place an order with us. If you disable your cookies, you will be able to browse our site, but won’t be able to make a purchase. You’ll find that most web browsers already have cookies enabled, but simply go to our Managing Cookies section below if you need help turning them on.
Don’t worry about cookies – they can’t harm your computer. And the cookies we create don’t store sensitive information such as credit card details. We do use encrypted information gathered from them, but this is just to help improve your shopping experience. For example, they help us to identify and resolve errors, or select relevant related products to tempt you with.
Cookies don’t just come from us; we have relationships with carefully selected and monitored suppliers who may also set cookies during your visit for remarketing purposes. This basically means they will show you suggestions based on what you are interested in from shopping with us. If you’d like to opt out of these cookies, visit here for help.
The reason we’re running through this cookie information is to comply with recent legislation, and to be open and honest about your privacy when using our website. We take the matter of cookies very seriously, and are working on a number of other privacy and cookie-related improvements.


You will need to accept cookies on your computer, tablet or mobile phone to make full use of online shopping and personalised features on
Don’t worry, our cookies don’t store sensitive information such as your name, address or payment details: they simply hold the ‘key’ that, once you’re signed in, is associated with this information.
However, if you wish to restrict, block or delete cookies from our website, or any other website, you will need to disable cookies in your browser. Each browser is different, so check the ‘Help’ menu of your particular browser (or your mobile phone’s handset manual) to learn how to adjust your cookie preferences.

Below is a list of the 1st party cookies we use, and what we use them for:

  • session_id – Used to register the Current session ID
  • user_region – Used to determine the relevent region version of the site to display.
  • country_code – Country code of where the user is located, and used by GeoIP to redirect to the correct region.
  • geo_region_set – Used to determine if the region has been set by GeoIP so we don’t have to do the GeoIP lookup again.
  • mobile_config – Used to determine the device visitors are using in order to display the appropriate version of the website.
  • prev_session_id – Previous session ID used to restore the basket contents on the user’s return in a subsequent session.
  • PHPSESSID- Used to store the PHP session

A little bit about Flash cookies (or Local Shared Objects)

On our site we play videos using Adobe Flash Player. Adobe uses Flash cookies (also known as Local Shared Objects) for a great experience. Flash cookies are stored in the same way as standard cookies, but they’re managed differently by your browser.
If you wish to disable or delete a Flash cookie, see Adobe Flashplayer Security Settings. Please bear in mind though, that if you disable Flash cookies for you won’t be able to access certain types of content, such as videos.


If you’d like to ‘share’ our content with friends through Facebook and Twitter etc. you may be sent cookies from their websites. We don’t control their cookie settings, so you will need to check with them for information about the management of their cookies.


If you’d like more information about cookies in general and how to manage them visit


Not all cookies on our site are related to us. If you visit a web page that contains embedded content, for example from YouTube, you may be sent cookies from these websites. We don’t control the setting of these cookies, so check with these third-party websites for more information.


If cookies aren’t enabled on your computer your shopping experience with us will be limited to browsing and researching; meaning you won’t be able to select products and purchase them.

Banner Advertising on Other Websites

Banner advertising will pop up when you visit other websites. It will usually showcase a selection of products based on what you’ve been browsing on our site.

This advertising might select alternative styles, colours and sometimes-relevant products from other categories. The technology behind these adverts is based on cookies.

Cookie data used in these adverts is completely anonymous and doesn’t contain any of your personal details.